Security Assessment

Custom security audits to identify organizations’ weaknesses and advise on remediations. We rely on the industry’s best practices, standards, and methodologies to assess your security posture.


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How can we help?

Winville understands organizations are different, so the decision as to what kind of risk assessment should be performed depends mainly on the specific organization and its potential risk. If it is determined that all the organization needs at this time are general prioritization, a simplified security assessment approach to an enterprise security risk assessment can be taken and even if it has already been determined that a more in-depth security assessment must be completed, the simplified approach can be a helpful first step in generating an overview to guide decision making in pursuit of that more in-depth assessment.

Security Assessment Services

IT Security Assessment Services & 3rd-Party Security Assessment Services, Our clients look to us for IT security risk assessment services, enterprise risk management, vendor risk assessment, vulnerability assessment, and high-level security consulting services.

Our Solutions & Benefits

Electronic materials are the type of materials which are typically used as core elements in a variety of device applications. These elements can be, for example, memories, displays, LEDs and could be easily seen in daily electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, computers, laptops, tablets, GPS devices, LED bulbs, TVs and monitors.

Critical Weaknesses
Policies and Procedures
Contingency Plans

Reduce security-related business risks with a complex audit of your security landscape. Infopulse helps you identify areas to improve and provides actionable insights to alleviate discovered weaknesses.

Reconsider cybersecurity processes to boost your overall security posture. Infopulse experts review and update your company’s policies and procedures to establish a robust security landscape.

Turn security insights, generated by a security assessment, into an actionable plan. Our experts help create comprehensive security strategy and backup & disaster recovery plan to ensure business continuity.

What is Included

Cut down expenses by reducing excessive solutions and reallocating resources where you need them. The security audit allows for better prioritization and advanced budget planning as opposed to ad hoc fixes.

Meet regulatory requirements and secure sensitive data with Infopulse cybersecurity assessment services. We help you evaluate whether your security posture complies with global standards and best security practices.

Establish trust towards your business from customers and partners by demonstrating impeccable security. Complex security audits allow averting potential incidents and preventing financial and reputational losses.

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